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Business Opportunities
  • Toxin Free Products

    The **Perfect** Home Business For Moms
    Route 2 Box 223-W
    Waynesville, Georgia 31566
    (912) 778-5436
    E-mail: Devenna Arbuckle

    Our specialties:

  • Hi, my name is Devenna, I'm a 29-year-old mother to four fabulous kids and I work from home. I enjoy what I do. And it gives me time to do the more important things in life. I joined a team of great women for two reasons. Number one: Money Back Guarantee. Number Two: I could check them out through the Better Business Bureau. And I did exactly that. I was so tired of people taking my money that I gave up on ever finding something to work from home. If you are feeling the same way or if you are just starting out, DON'T let yourself be taking in by scams. Put a stop to it and join an organization of women who are succeeding at online marketing. It's not a pyramid, it's not a multi-level marketing, and best of all it's not fake. I love The M.O.M. Team. I would and do recommend it to anyone. If you want more information on making money from home and being able to do the things that matter most then let me or someone else from my team know. WE can't wait to WELCOME YOU ABOARD. http://devenna.themomteam.com I promise WE don't bite or growl; we just pull our hair out! Devenna Arbuckle

    Business Location:
    [ Yahoo! Maps ]

  • The **Perfect** Home Business For Moms - Burke County - Georgia - Administration
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