Homes For Sale by Agent
St Charles, MO 63303 636-946-7880 E-mail: Rich Crow, CRS, CRMS, GRI, http://BuyStCharlesRealEstate.com
Our specialties:
Servicing the St Charles and St Louis Area full time since 1985. Visit my web sites and see how I market homes on the internet.
Why Hire a CRS?
Buying or selling your home is the largest single transaction the average American makes. How successful you are depends on how professional and experienced your real estate agent is.
When you choose a CRS, Certified Residential Specialist, you can be sure you are getting one of the top agents in the business. A CRS has completed hours of advanced study in listing, selling, law, investments, taxes and much more. Requirements to receive the CRS guarantees you are enlisting the help of a proven performer with years of experience and knowledge.