Real Estate Services
Hollister, CA 95023 831-634-4476 E-mail: Ray Pierce http://www.rayandpeggy.com
Our specialties:
Ray has been a Real Estate Professional since 1991 he received his license while working for another major real estate company as a marketing director. After a six-month period Ray activated his license and started working with his wife Peggy at her real estate company. Five years later both moved to Coldwell Banker in 1995 to take advantage of Coldwell Banker’s Buyers and Sellers and other support programs. Since starting there they have been continuous office and national top producers.
In 1995 thru 2003 Ray and Peggy were the top listing agents in their Coldwell Banker office. In 1996 thru 2003 Ray and Peggy were the top dollar producers in their Coldwell Banker office. In 1997 and 1999 they were top 1% of all Coldwell Banker offices nationally. In 1998 they were in the top 5% of all Coldwell Banker Offices Nationally. In 1995, 1997 thru 1999 they received the Circle of Honor award for listings. They have been awarded many other awards in their career but however gratified, they feel humble about these awards. They believe this is a yardstick for the client to know how committed they are to your “Personal Service”.
Production awards show the will of the Real Estate Professional to work harder and or better for you, their client. You the real estate client are why awards occur, without the buyer or seller the Realtor doesn’t have the chance to prove himself and shine. The happier a client is after the transaction is completed, the more chance they have of telling a friend or friends, hence the more successful the Realtor. That’s why you should always ask an agent “What’s your track record”. An experienced full time agent should always have his client’s best interest in mind. When the clients are happy the rest follows for a Realtor. Enough said about awards if you have any other question call us at 1-800-946-5547.
Professional Philosophy
“The most important decision you make in the sale of your home is the agent in whom you place your trust and your property.”
When you’ve been in the real estate business as long as Ray and Peggy Pierce have, you realize it’s not about a column of numbers, it’s about understanding people. Maybe that’s why Ray and Peggy have been top real estate agents for ten years running, through the “good times” as well as the tough times. Count on Ray and Peggy Pierce when it’s time to sell your house, or look for a new home. They are only a phone call 831-800-946-5547 or e-mail away. rpiercegarlic.com
Personal Background
Ray was raised in San Luis Obispo, California and Peggy in Redwood City, Santa Barbara and Salinas. They met in Hollister in 1974 and were married in 1975. The small town flavor of Hollister, walking down the street and greeting people by name, feeling safe and at ease, and enjoying friendly neighbors and warm weather are what convinced Ray and Peggy to raise their family here. Parents of two daughters, Lisa and Danylle that have chosen to live in the Hollister area and a son, Nathan that lives and surfs in Hawaii. They now have four beautiful grandchildren Robbie, Amy, Lane and Zackery.