Arts, Crafts, Antiques
Jasper, Arkansas 72641 870-446-5898 E-mail: Project Coordinator http://www.ozarkcrafters.com
Our specialties:
Welcome to OzarkCrafters.com. This website has been established by the Newton County Resource Council, initially funded by a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Services, to assist Newton County, Arkansas as well as surrounding area, Artisans and Crafters in marketing their creations on the internet. Our crafters vary from hobbyists to serious Crafters and Artisans. Their products range from toys to fine art and everything in between. Please take the time to look around our catalog and see what we’ve got to offer. You never know what you might find that you just can’t live without. Our Artisans and Crafters would appreciate your stopping by for a few, looking around, and hopefully, getting started with your Christmas shopping early.