Health and Personal Care
Garden Grove, CA 92840 714-797-5465 E-mail: Ken Mark http://www.responselink.com
Our specialties:
The 2 most common reasons for Emergency Room visits and Nursing Home Admissions are Falls and Medication non compliance. The elderly and disabled commonly lose their independence as a result of one or the other. Response Link is a company that devotes itself to ensuring safety and enhancing the independence of those that are at risk. It is a UL listed and approved device worn on the wrist or on a necklace that connects with a monitoring station that dispenses emergency services as needed. We have all seen the commercial I'm Falling and I can't get up . We do the same better than any other company and we have exclusive features that go way beyond just I'm falling and I can't get up. Did you call your grandparent this morning to make sure she was alive? We do that with our wellness checks throughout the day as needed. We will remind our clients to turn the stove off, take the cat in or whatever is necessary for their situation. We also offer medication compliance monitoring where we have trained staff remind our clients to take their medications as directed throughout the day. We coordinate with caregivers and medical staff to make sure that our information about each client is up to date. We also have offer non-emergency monitoring. This is a button that our client can press for any reason if they should need to speak with someone, or they need help, but not an ambulance. It might be their neighbor or caregiver, or maybe our client does not feel well, does not want to bother family and just needs us to stay online to make sure that they begin to feel better, and if not we get them the help that they need. For more info call 714-797-5465 or email is kenmark@responselink.com.