Entertainment and Leisure
Bedford Street 513-271-4775 E-mail: Carlene Coy http://www.ROMANCELOVER4UINOHIO.com
Our specialties:
My name is Carlene and I represent Passion Parties, a unique opportunity for individuals to explore carefully selected, high quality, affordable lingerie and sensual enhancement products in a positive supportive environment. The products include lovely lingerie, unique creams, luxurious lotions, specialty bath and body potions, and much much more.
If you have never been to a Pleasure Party, ask anyone who has. They are quite an experience and smiles are guaranteed!
Imagine the good time you and your friends will have, trying these products hands on in the privacy of your own home. There is never an obligation to buy and the hostesses receive outstanding benefits!
Please take a moment to look over this brochure. I provide parties to groups of 6 to 25 individuals and couples. Orders are taken privately, by email and telephone
Please call if you would like to receive a free catalog.
Carlene Coy
Independent Passion Consultant
(513) 271- 4775