Business Opportunities
Oceano, CA 93445 805-489-8038 E-mail: Susan Blakeley http://www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/srblakeley
Our specialties:
Take Charge Of Your Life!!!
This Message is for anyone out there that might have the DESIRE and VISION to take a look at this Company and really see what it could do for you and your Families...
This Company started out with just a Vision. They wanted to do something for the average Family out there to beable to have some kind of protection in there life and still have it cost effective...
There are over Two Million Members That have joined this Company and it is bring more in every day. This is a 33 year old Company with the New York Stock Exchange,Top in all Publications and is acknowledged as the Industry Leader...
If you are looking for a Good Sound Creditable Company weather it be to become a Member and have all the
benefits or become an Independent
Associate so you would beable to work the program have the benefits and
still make money. It is your choice...
There is a need in the 21st Century for all of us to have this Program...
In Europe this program has been Mandatory since 1908. They have to
have this before they can get a Drivers License. That is how important this Program is to them...
Please call me after you have gone into the Program and taken a look at what you could have, or if you just want to sign up...
WEB-SITE: www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/srblakeley
Thank you for your time,
Susan Blakeley
Independent Associate
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
IdentityTheft SHIELD
Toll No: 877-448-4486