Business Opportunities
Danville,GA 31017 4782304650 E-mail: Stacy Bowen http://www.stacyztoybox2.com
Our specialties:
Join my team!!
Passion Parties is the place to be!!!
PART TIME WORK FOR FULL TIME PAY! I am looking for bright, energetic women to join my team - Nationwide! Why not eat, drink, laugh, talk about sex and go home with a lot of money in your pocket?
There are 8 different ways to earn with Passion Parties, Inc.
1. Earn up to 40% on personal sales
2. Earn up to 10% additional payout through CASH bonuses on personal sales
3. Earn CASH bonuses on every new personally sponsored consultant who places a qualifying order
4. Earn up to 5% overrides on sales of your consultants 3 levels deep
5. earn $400 monthly Car Allowance
6. Earn $3000 per quarter through our Home Award
7. Earn trips to exotic location
8. Earn valuable jewelry, prizes, and awards
Earn recognition for your achievements!
September 1-December 31, 2005 new consultants can take advantage of extra savings!
$100 start up kit is 25% profit rather than only 10% PLUS save $10
$250 start up kit is 40% profit rather than only 25% PLUS save $20
$450 start up kits is 40% PLUS save $30
Please contact me to ask about the Feet on the Street Promotion and lets get you started today!!
You DO NOT have to have experience!!! With Passion Parties you are in business for yourself but not by yourself. You receive support through:
1. Business owners Manual
2. Video, Audio and CD training
3. Personal training from your sponsor and up line
4. Monthly magazine
5. Regional workshops and seminars (not required)
6. National conventions
7. Online consultants websites
8. Multimedia Business Center
Let’s get you started today!
tart today and I will give you 250 free customized business cards, name tag and your very own online Passion Parties website!!
assion Parties, formerly know as Coming Attractions, has been in business for 11 years and is the premier adult party company. We had growth of 80% for the year 2004 and still have room to grow as we only have 8000 consultants. We have also gone international as no other party plan has! We have been featured on Prime Time, New York Times, O Magazine, and Queer Eye for the Straight Girl and also have been approached by Oprah’s producers for a possible segment coming up soon. We will be featured on Dateline coming soon! Sue Johansen, Jennifer Berman, Brian Biro, Lyn Conway, Suzie Johnson, and Michael Castelman have all embraced Passion Parties as the leading adult party company and endorse our efforts and products.
Our Mission
o share the Passion Parties’ vision that any woman can experience the prosperity of owning her own business; to share products that will enhance a women’s relationship; and to share the philosophy of women helping women.
Stacy Bowen
Passion Parties
email: stacyztoybox2.com
Place an order, book a party or join my team! Bringing the adult store to your door. Enhance your romance, Tastefully done, Excitingly fun!!