Health and Personal Care
Petersburg MI 49270 734-856-7079 E-mail: Patti D'Anniballe http://www.beautifulimpressionsskincare.com
Our specialties:
Welcome to BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSIONS SKIN CARE. We Bring You The Best In Online Shopping and High Quality, Low Hazard, Healthy, Hypoallergenic, Scented and Unscented, Natural Organic Skin Care Products for adults, young adults, teens, children, babies and pets. Beautiful Impressions Skin Care is also proactive to the sensitive nature of vegans, asthmatics, those with emphysema, COPD, allergies, sensitivities, eczema and rosacea, severe skin dryness due to conditions such as diabetes and burns, as well as the sensitive nature of those treated with chemo and radiation. Enjoy shopping at Beautiful Impressions Skin Care.