Professional Services
San Diego, Ca, 92101 (619) 276-1606 E-mail: Tom Matthews http://tommatthewslaw.com
Our specialties:
Attorney Tom Matthews has been practicing criminal and DUI law in the San Diego area since 1992.
Tom is well known for aggressively defending the rights of our clients when arrested or charged with a criminal offense and our clients act as testimonials to that fact.
Facing criminal charges is a scary thing. Before retaining our services, many of our clients asked themselves: What are my rights? Should I plead guilty in hopes of a lighter sentence?
How do I move forward? Such questions are only worse when you have no answers. These are the times when you need a criminal attorney who can help you through the process.
Unfortunately, thousands of people every year receive fines, penalties and in some cases service jail time, unnecessarily, due to lack of proper legal representation.
You don´t have to be part of that group. If you´ve been charged with a crime in the San Diego area, you need to consult with a criminal attorney that can answer your questions and help simplify the legal process. Tom Matthews is dedicated to defending our clients within all legal rights of the law.
For a free consultation or to speak with a lawyer, please call us at 1-619-276-1606
Thomas Matthews Attorney at Law
925 B Street
Ste. 202
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone (619) 276-1606