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- Hi Lauren!Somehow I missed this post with all of the BEAUTIFUL pictures of your home. I saw your last post, and then noticed you had been MIA and I though, uh oh I hope everything is okay! I’m glad to see your comment. I can’t imagine how busy you must be or all the is involved when selling your home yourselves. Your property is so gorgeous. The trees and all of the green against your white house is so lovely. It really is. If I hear of anyone moving your way you bet I will know a good house to tell them about! Good luck to you guys.Thank you for your tip on the shutter sisters book. I have wondered about it and haven’t known anyone to buy it. I will add that to my wish list along with the 50mm 1.4! I think my family will know what to get me for Christmas this year. Wait a minute, my family always knows what to get me. Have you found a new home that you are already moving into?How excitng and stressful and busy all at the same time.I’m glad ya’ll are okay! Take care. I’ll be anxiously awaiting your new post.