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Health and Personal Care
  • Plastic Surgery Practice

    La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
    9850 Genesee Avenue Suite 130
    La Jolla, CA 92037
    E-mail: Jannelle

    Our specialties:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Face lift

    La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre (LJCSC) is one of the premier cosmetic surgery practices in the country, with over two decades of experience in a variety of cosmetic procedures, including Breast Augmentation, Liposuction, Injectables, and more. With multiple doctors, we have qualified specialists in many areas of cosmetic surgery, allowing each patient to receive excellent care to suit his or her individual needs. Our state-of-the art surgical suite is certified with the highest level of accreditation by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF), and is conveniently located on the Scripps Memorial Hospital campus in La Jolla, central to the San Diego area.

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  • La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre - San Diego County - California - Administration
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