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My husband had a “brain bleed” or brain hemmorage on the right side of his head on April 11th, mostly affecting perceptions of time and space, but not speech or walking. After being in the hospital he went to a rehabilitation center for two weeks. Now he is home. While he is much improved, he is not back to where he was before. (He did have some minor memory problems before that we had noticed, but nothing like this.My question is: Are there things he could be doing that would help him to “heal” and even help to start formation of new brain cells?(Typically doctors don’t talk about “new brain cell development”, but I have read experts are now confirming that his can happen.) What suggestions might you have or what help could you maybe be? I am looking for help outside of the regular medical community, even though my husband is seeing a leading neurologist at Mass General inBoston.May I hear from you? Thank you.Most sincerely,Judy Peterson