Health and Personal Care
Seattle, WA 98109 206-299-0918 E-mail: Permits License http://i502-permits.com
Our specialties:
Learn the Requirements for I 502 permits at WCI. Attorneys and industry pros prepared a course for I 502 permits, with guest speaker the from Washington Liquor Control Board will explain the I 502 permits.WCI will help you understand and comply with the I 502 regulations and licensing requirements as they roll out. Learn the requirements of medical marijuana business & I 502 business. Choose the correct corporate structure for the I 502 commercial retail or medical marijuana business. Institute a strategy to scale up your collective garden to a larger I 502 commercial operation and understand the violations that might arise from the violations of I 502. Meet industry professionals like merchant accounts, 420 insurance agents, cannabis testing labs, real estate agents, etc.