- Fulton County

Business Opportunities
  • Cell Phone Store

    Bob Knows Phones
    11770 Haynes Bridge Road
    Alpharetta, GA 30009
    E-mail: Bob Knows Phones

    Our specialties:

  • iphone repair
  • ipad repair
  • cell phone repair

    If you are in the Alpharetta area and are in need of a cell phone repair, look no further than Bob Knows Phones! We can get your phone fixed up and out the door in no time! Stop by and let us put in a new, original part on your phone. Drop off your smart phone at lunch -- and pick up on the way home, all fixed-up and shiny again. You'€™ll be surprised by what we can do at Bob Knows Phones™. Call us now 678-298-3191 to ask a question, or get a free estimate. We are here 7 days a week.

    Business Location:
    [ Yahoo! Maps ]

  • Bob Knows Phones - Fulton County - Georgia - Administration
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