- Dunn County

Retail, Wholesale Mechandisers
  • Convenience Store, Gas Station

    Bridge Stop
    101 Wisconsin 25
    Wheeler, Wisconsin, 54772
    E-mail: Dwain Trowbridge

    Our specialties:

  • Convenience Store, Gas Station
  • Movie Rentals, Live Bait
  • Snacks

    The Bridge Stop is a chain of seven family owned convenience stores in the Chippewa Valley. The original Bridge Stop store, located in New Auburn, was built by Lowell Trowbridge and family in December of 1989, and has been in business ever since. Managed by Lowell Trowbridge, and his wife Susan, the company's values were to provide fast, friendly service while maintaining a small business atmosphere that felt like home.

    Business Location:
    [ Yahoo! Maps ]

  • Bridge Stop - Dunn County - Wisconsin - Administration
    Pass Key: