Health and Personal Care
New York, 3477325566 E-mail: Dr.Ronald Shelton http://www.thenyac.com/liposuction/index.html
Our specialties:
Fatty deposits in particular areas of your body can give a lumpy appearance. Awkward rolls and flab can result in a far from the sleek or streamlined body image. Call Dr. Shelton’s office and make that important appointment for a consultation to ask all the questions you may have about liposuction. Board Certified and skilled doctors will explain the procedure to you. For the liposuction procedure they will use a cannula, which is a hollow tube made of stainless steel, together with a high power vacuum, and extract all excess fatty cells. In order to do this, the patient has to be made comfortable with an anesthetic.
New York Aesthetic Consultants LLP, offers IV Sedation by a Board Certified Anesthesiologists to make you more comfortable during the Liposuction procedure. When you come in for your consultation, you may weigh your options and get more information regarding Anesthesia.