Professional Services
Louisville,Kentucky,40223 +1 502 420 2863 E-mail: Durrett & Kersting http://www.mylouisvillefamilylawyer.com/
Our specialties:
Are you having a family law issue? Don't worry about it, we are here to make sure that you get treated fairly, equally and with the most respect possible. Don't wait until it's too late, contact us today for a free consultation - 502-420-2863.
At Durrett & Kersting, Attorneys at Law, we help Kentucky and Indiana individuals and families navigate the complexities of their case and the Court process. With lawyers experienced in Louisville Family Law Attorneys, family law, divorce lawyers in louisville, child custody, visitation, child support, same-sex family law, criminal law and personal injury we are able to assist our clients with all of their legal needs. Our lawyers and staff use their legal experience to confidently explain all aspects of your case, including the pros and cons and potential outcomes. We show you genuine compassion while rigorously working to resolve your issues and address your concerns.