- Dallas County

Financial and Insurance
  • Tax

    Swanson Reed
    2101 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 1050
    Dallas, Texas, 75201
    E-mail: Miles Reid

    Our specialties:

  • Consulting, Taxes, Issues, Taxation, Taxpayers, Tax Credits
  • Traditional credit calculation, Start-Up credit calculation, Alternative simplified credit, R&D plan writing,
  • R&D substantiation assistance, R&D audit defense

    Swanson Reed is one of the largest and the most respected tax advisory firms providing R&D tax credit preparation and advisory services to companies of all sizes and across all industries in Texas, California, Florida, and the rest of USA. Due to a lack of understanding as to the specific requirements to gain access to the tax benefits provided by the IRS, a lot of R&D companies are missing out on important tax breaks. Hence we at Swanson Reed, a team of university professors, chartered accountants, engineers and lawyers having extensive accounting firm or large engineering firm industry experience are dedicated to help these companies avail the tax benefits provided to encourage and reward their efforts on research and development. The R&D tax credit preparation and advisory services we offer include Traditional Credit Calculation, Start-Up Credit Calculation, R&D Tax Incentive Preparation, Alternative Simplified Credit, R&D Plan Writing, R&D Substantiation Assistance, and R&D Audit Defense. We quickly understand your accounting systems, investigate a methodology to capture costs on an ad hoc basis and minimize disruption to your financial work flow. For the past glorious 30 years, we have been providing a R&D tax credit preparation and advisory service that is distinctly different to anything close to the ‘Big 4’ or second tier accounting houses. For more details about our services visit texastaxcredit.com

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