Restaurants and Lodging
Phoenix, AZ , 85003 6023548150 E-mail: Vern McClanahan http://www.azfairtrade.com/
Our specialties:
The owners of Fair Trade Cafe, Stephanie Vasquez, Michele Lavis-White and Jean White take to heart the motto coffee with a conscience. When the owners bought the cafe from the Trinity Cathedral in 2007 they had a choice, to keep the name Fair Trade Cafe or to change the name and the idea behind it. Not only did they keep it but they ran wild with it. The owners strive to purchase organic, fair trade, local and ecologically sustainable products. All the coffee and tea brewed at Fair Trade Cafe is Certified Fair Trade and Organic, meaning that the farmers are ensured fair living wages for their products and work under safe conditions. The owners strive to buy all of their products from local vendors. The coffee is roasted in Goodyear, and the tea comes from the Scottsdale based China Mist. All cups, napkins and lids are from recycled materials.