Professional Services
louisville 5026365241 E-mail: parkwayrehabilitation http://www.parkwayrehabandnursing.com/
Our specialties:
For our patients admitted for rehab following orthopedic surgery, our therapists will develop a plan of care just for you. We recognize no 2 people are just alike. Following admission into the Rehab Center, our therapists evaluate each patient and along with the physiatrist create an individualized plan of treatment. Short and long term goals are identified at this time creating a sort of roadmap to healing and home.
Offered Services are:-Nursing Care in Louisville KY,Louisville Rehabilitation & Healing Center,Nursing Homes in Louisville KY,Rehab Centers in Indiana, Rehab Facilities in Louisville KY, Charlestown Rehabilitation Services Provider
Parkway Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
1155 Eastern Parkway Louisville, KY 40217
Contact no: 502-636-5241
Email: contact@parkwayrehabandnursing.com