Restaurants and Lodging
Pensacola (850) 712-8069 E-mail: Rhonda Keen http://keensorganiccoffeenews.com
Our specialties:
Keens Beans, a boutique organic coffee bean producer totally committed to using organic and sustainable coffee farming methods to produce some of the best coffee beans available. Keens Beans’ Costa Rican farm annually produces a small quantity of select, shade grown, organic Arabica beans for shipment to roasters in the United States.
Keens Beans farms organic Arabica coffee in the highlands of Costa Rica, just below the cloud forest with plants as much as thirty-five years old. Their cultivar Arabica is known worldwide for its superb taste, low acidity and moderate caffeine.
Keens Beans is available in 1-pound and 12-ounce bags in three roasts: American Medium, Full City and Vienna Dark.
“There’s no decaf, because it takes chemicals to decaf coffee and that goes against our efforts,” Keen said. “We suspended the use of all chemicals on the land and built a new environ-mentally conscious coffee processing and drying facility.”