Business Opportunities
Sunnyvale 4086340104 E-mail: Georgia Awarren http://www.vyakar.com/
Our specialties:
VyAkAra is a noun in ancient Sanskrit language, meaning “Analysis”, especially the analysis of languages. Our company logo has company values embedded within, where the check mark “V” stands for job well done, the blue color and font style highlight the speed and accuracy for every job that we do. Vyakara is incubated and fully owned by Arosys Technologies, Inc. Management team at Vyakara is led by Avinash Agrawal, who is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years of technical expertise, and Deepak Kumar, with decades of on-hands experience in technology and marketing operations & automation. At Vyakara we believe the business value provided to customer is the only way to retain a customer, and grow the business in long run. We are dedicated to continually improve our product and thus the ultimate value to customer at a price point that tilts the value equation in favor of customer.