Health and Personal Care
Cincinnati, OH, 45236 877-416-3223 E-mail: Dr. Alexander Donath http://www.menshairgrowthcenter.com/
Our specialties:
Even before medical school, Dr. Donath knew his interest was in surgery, and so during medical school when he fell in love with the anatomy of the face, head, & neck, he elected to pursue a goal of becoming a leader in facial plastic surgery by completing a rigorous five-year residency training program in all aspects of Head and Neck Surgery at St. Louis University, including extensive experience in Facial Plastic Surgery. During this residency, he was fortunate to learn the latest Men's Hair Growth Center want you to be thrilled. We want you to have your hair and confidence restored and we want all of these things on your terms. Peruse the links below and see what type of hair restoration may be right for you:Many men find that over the natural course of time they lose the density of the hair on their scalp or develop balding areas or may suffer from Male Pattern Baldness (MPH).