Professional Services
Brooklyn, NY 11224 877-816-2044 E-mail: Senior Movers http://www.adviseandprotectscc.com
Our specialties:
The necessity to create a one stop center for all senior care services came to us from personal experiences. Slowly losing an elder parent or a loved relative to a disease is devastating. But what is more devastating is that feeling of being helpless and confused at the time when your elder needs you the most.
Educated decisions must be made in a short period of time, yet there is usually no time to get educated in the areas of medical and home care, moving and real estate selling, legal and financial matters. Every decision made could possibly have a long lasting, negative effect on you and your loved one.
Our objective is to bring all elder services together, under one management team. In doing so we were able to provide solutions to any need that a family or a senior might encounter. By centralizing all elder services, Senior Movers consultants and partnered firms are able to deliver services to seniors with the utmost efficiency and save them thousands of dollars each year.
Senior Movers has years of experience and trust working with seniors and resolving issues related to their lives, health and finances. We have established strong relationships with geriatric care managers, daily money managers, home movers, law firms, real estate management group and many others whose prime focus is to provide elder care services.
We are here to advise and protect on your seniors' legacy and as your agents, we strive to help your elders live a life in decency, dignity and love!