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Health and Personal Care
  • Kathleen L. Behr, MD
    1125 E. Spruce Ave. #207
    E-mail: Kathleen Behr

    Our specialties:

  • Cosmetic Services, Laser Hair Removal,Skin Cancer Services,Skin Care Products.

  • Welcome to the dermatology office of Kathleen L. Behr, M.D., where our top priority is providing you with the highest standard of skin care available. Located in Fresno, California, we offer the latest surgical and cosmetic dermatological care for patients of all ages. Our office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including multiple lasers to ensure our patients receive optimal up to date care. We work with each patient individually and take a team approach in determining the treatment that is best for your specific needs and desires. We also believe in the importance of patient education and promise to keep you thoroughly informed of your treatment options and progress. We believe your skin deserves the best and are confident that we can deliver the quality dermatological care that will keep your skin healthy and beautiful for years to come!

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