Health and Personal Care
Seattle, WA 98101 206-623-4674 E-mail: Paul Genung http://toothwisdom.info/
Our specialties:
Health-Conscious Dentistry is dentistry that does not interfere with the way the body was designed to function. I recommend: no mercury (silver) fillings, no root canals, no implants, no fluoride, always keeping wisdom teeth whenever possible, functional orthodontics with no tooth extractions for orthodontia, awareness of cavitations and therefore extracting teeth in a way that prevents the formation of cavitations, surgical clean-out of existing cavitations, awareness of the influence of cranial bone displacement and it's influence on the teeth (especially crainal rhythm), awareness of acidity causing bone loss and it's influence on periodontal disease, importance of wise dietary choices in achieving optimal dental health, and last but not least by not taking advantage of the patient's ignorance about dentistry in order to enhance my financial well being.