Health and Personal Care
Peoria 3094950250 E-mail: Glyn Jones http://www.glynjonesmd.com
Our specialties:
Dr. Jones is a world-renowned plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life to offering patients compassionate care using the most up-to date techniques available. Specializing in the cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, body and breast, Dr. Jones is supported by a staff of dedicated physician assistants, nurses and administrative personnel. Dr. Jones has developed a practice, which caters to the specialized needs of patients seeking both cosmetic and reconstructive surgical procedures. Patients undergoing cosmetic surgical rejuvenation receive personalized attention with an emphasis on quality care in a safe, caring environment Care is focused not just on excellent surgery, but also on comprehensive post-operative care dealing with all of the patient’s needs including a full palette of skin care options, laser therapy and cosmetics provided by a licensed and fully qualified aesthetician.