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New York, NY 10019 718-891-3758 E-mail: http://www.xuskin.com/
Our specialties:
If you are looking for radiant and healthy skin, use the techniques of the Far East. Located in Manhattan, NY, XU Natural Facial Rejuvenation Center provides more than standard facials. It blends advanced Chinese and Tibetan practices with state-of-the-art rejuvenation technologies at an affordable price. The salon delivers anti-aging, anti-acne, and beautifying facials. Technologies include facial cupping, radio frequency therapy, color therapy, vitamins, acupressure, and microdermabrasion. Popular with both men and women, their holisticfacials lead to significant improvement in skin's youthfulness and glow.XU Natural Facial Rejuvenation Centermeets all of your facial needs. For those looking to increase their energy, the special acupressure massages unblock chi and energy flow. The Gua Sha is a traditional treatment that clears out unhealthy and damaged elements of the face. For an anti-aging facelift, facial cupping is available to clients.XU Natural Facial Rejuvenation Centeralso offers a deep-pore anti-acne cleansing. For a basic facial vitality treatment, the XU Holistic Facial combines exfoliation, deep-pore cleansing, and herbal remedies. The spa's microdermabrasion exfoliates dead skin to increase the effectiveness of other facial treatments.The best facial salon in New York City, XU Natural Facial Rejuvenation Center leaves customers feeling healthier and more vibrant and beautiful than ever. Few other salons practice such care and expertise. The treatments are natural, holistic, and free of chemicals and additives. As an added bonus,XU Natural Facial Rejuvenation Centeroffers waxing treatments.To schedule an appointment at XU Natural Facial Rejuvenation Center, call (212) 581-8088, or email XUskincare@yahoo.com. You can also visit the facial salononline to learn more about their luxurious services.