Health and Personal Care
Phoenix, AZ 85014 602-864-7662 E-mail: Rick Ryan http://www.extraordinaryoutcomes.com/
Our specialties:
The Center for Extraordinary Outcomes in Phoenix, AZ is a safe haven for people who are looking to turn their lives around, improve themselves, or attain an overall higher level of life satisfaction and happiness. Founded in 1996 by professional counselor Victoria Benoit, M.C., this innovative wellness center was created with a simple mission: to help people make positive life changes so they can reach their fullest potential. Many people move throughout each day in a haze, feeling unfulfilled and detached. Others struggle with weight gain, persistent depression, or just the ominous feeling that something important is missing. The counseling experts from the Center for Extraordinary Outcomes can help; by using well-known personal development and holistic healing techniques, the counseling experts will encourage you to release the fear and negativity in your life and embrace the joy of your own inner potential.In addition to offering marriage counseling, career coaching, and relationship coaching, the Center for Extraordinary Outcomes offers comprehensive classes in these diverse areas: Resonance Repatterning (formerly called Holographic Repatterning ® )Scalar Heart ConnectionSoul Memory DiscoveryHealing for Indigo Children and AdultsYuen Method®At the Center for Extraordinary Outcomes, you can learn how to align yourself with your life's purpose, improve your prosperity, better cope with stress and anger, and embrace the challenges that life sends your way. It's never too late to transform your unconscious beliefs and patterns that you've held since childhood, and when you do, you'll find a freedom that you never knew existed. In addition to regular classes and counseling sessions, the Center for Extraordinary Outcomes hosts a wide variety ofworkshops that you can sign up for with no additional commitment. If you're interested in improving your life and investing in yourself, call theCenter for Extraordinary Outcomes at (602) 864-7662.