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Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-876-1469 E-mail: Mr BJ http://www.dumptrucksaltlakecity.com
Our specialties:
Salt Lake City Dump Truck Rental
How to rent a high-powered dump truck for all of your load bearing needs in minutes.
Here in SLC, Utah we are the premiere dump truck rental company that provides all the necessary equipment to make your job easier, faster, and more efficient. With a range of models to choose from, we have everything you need to make your job happen with ease.
With our fleet of dump trucks at your disposal, there is now load that you can’t move safely and effectively. At SLC Dump Truck Rental, you can be sure our inventory will provide the strength, stability, loading power, and maneuverability that puts our competition to shame. There isn’t a job that our trucks can’t handle, and we are sure you will be pleased with our trucks capabilities.