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Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Rolla, MO 65401 573-364-7285 E-mail: Pam Jasensky http://www.paulsfurniturerollamo.com/
Our specialties:
Paul's Furniture Outlet is a family-owned and operated discount home furniture store in Rolla, Missouri. We have a huge selection of furniture as well as name brand appliances like Ashley and Flexsteel. We offer free delivery within a 50-mile radius. We have the same trusted sales staff since we opened in 1993. They'll brainstorm with you, listen to you, and answer all your questions. Let us help you choose styles, fabrics, colors, and accessories to make your home instantly cozy. When you walk into our store you will be free to walk and browse around. Our sales team will never hover over you. Paul's formula for your home is simple - trusted manufacturers plus knowledgeable hands-on help, plus guaranteed lowest prices, plus financing, plus free delivery, plus any trade-ins you might have equals happy customers. But don't take our word for it, come see us and discover for yourself why furnishing you home from top to bottom has never been more fun, easy, or affordable.