Home Services
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Brooklyn, NY 11204 917-819-5111 E-mail: Ken Carson http://www.nycbuiltconstruction.com
Our specialties:
We are your one stop NYC Construction shop for all of your Home Improvement and Remodeling needs. Our experience and customer satisfaction approach will take every detail in account and plan to build your dream place in a timely fashion and with the highest quality.
Excellence, to maintain the highest standards while exceeding expectations, is GreenBuilt Construction NYC’s aim in its founding in 2009; and we've never looked back or settled for ‘good enough’ since then.
This un-shaking commitment to excellence has catapulted the organization as one of the most trusted construction companies around NYC and within TRI-State area.
If you’re looking for tried-and-tested construction company to:
Remodel your old kitchen or house
Give your condo an all-around makeover
Transform your house with hardwood flooring
Or even design, build, AND manage your project!
…You can rest easy knowing GreenBuilt Construction NYC got your back!