Health and Personal Care
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Albany, NY 12203 518-460-1519 E-mail: Albany Dental http://albanydentalgroup.com
Our specialties:
Welcome to Albany Dental Group where what we do will make you smile.
Albany Dental Group is a local family dental practice located in Albany, NY. Our run the spectrum from kids to geriatric care. We want to be the practice that you can bring your child or parent to and know they are going to be taken care of in every great and wonderful way.
Albany Dental Group is an advocate for preventive dental care offering services like deep cleaning and scaling, whitening, straightening, repairing all the way through cosmetic and restorative care. In the event even with preventive care sometimes gums, nerves or teeth just seem to hurt and you need timely care to address it. Whether we are applying natural coloring fillings, doing a root canal and crown procedure or placing an affordable dental implant, we can address whatever your individual need is. So if you need cleaning, whitening, straightening, repairing or replacing we are here for you.
At Albany Dental Group we maintain an extremely inviting and comfortable environment. All of our staff pay special attention to maintaining that the feel in the office promotes that all care will be handled with kindness, gentleness and heartfelt concern. We want you to have a pleasant experience with us and feel safe and secure. Let us earn your trust.
Usually you think when some talks about a state-of-the-art facility your all of the neat technology they utilize, the office sound cold and sterile. Our top notch technology is still clothed in the soothing atmosphere we passionately fight to protect.
Our highly trained staff go though continuous training to stay current on all of the latest advances in dentistry and dental care. We make sure to patiently explain any procedure that may be relevant to you and will answer and questions or concerns that you might have.
Our goal is to make you want to smile without cheesy prodding. We want your trip to our office to be based on earned trust knowing that we will provide the highest level of dentistry with thoughtful and gentle care.