Home Services
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Coldwater, MS 38618 662-895-8950 E-mail: A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service http://www.a-1septictank.com
Our specialties:
For five generations,A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service has provided customers in the North Mississippi area with quality plumbing and septic tank services. Their friendly staff will ensure that your home or workplace's drains are in tip-top shape, so you never have to worry about a drain blockage. A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service has a different approach than most maintenance providers: they use cameras and locators to find issues with drains, tanks, and pipes. The cameras allow the workers to find any tiny crack or other septic tank problems, without ripping apart the drains and pipes. It also proves helpful so that they can show homeowners exactly what is wrong with their system. This keeps their customers out of the dark when they are performing work on their drains and pipes. In addition to cameras, A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service's trucks use extra-long hoses so, unlike other companies, they can park on the street and not tear up your well-groomed yard. They also service plumbing fixtures such as: Lift Stations Hydrojet Pipe Cleaning Parking Lot Drains Pump-outs Grease Traps Don't be without a proper septic tank cleaning. If your toilets are not flushing, or if your drains are clogged, A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service can help. Call the staff today at their Coldwater, MS office at (662) 895-8950to schedule an appointment for septic system maintenance. You can also visit the company's website to learn more about their maintenance services.