Professional Services
Sacramento, CA 95819 877-876-4800 E-mail: David Allen http://www.davidallenlaw.com/
Our specialties:
When he established David Allen & Associates in 1980, the firm was representing insurance companies and developing a major practice in that area, but his real goal always was to represent injured people. Now David Allen & Associates exclusively represents plaintiffs – those with Personal injury claims, Social Security Disability claims, and Insurance Bad Faith claims.
If you would like a free consultation and case evaluation about a legal problem, contact our office and make arrangements to discuss your situation with one of our attorneys. Our attorneys serve clients in Personal Injury and Bad faith Insurance cases in California and Nevada. We help clients with initial demands, and negotiation with insurers. We use mediation and arbitration where appropriate. When a case cannot be resolved reasonably through those alternative methods, we file suit and carry the case to trial.
There are lawyers in our firm who also provide Social Security Disability (SSDI) legal assistance throughout the West, helping clients apply for Social Security Disability and, most importantly, representing them at a hearing before an administrative law judge.
We realize how critical issues are to our clients who face medical bills, loss of employment, or disability. We spare no effort in pursuing fair compensation on their behalf. We employ the talents of our experienced staff, make use of current technology, and call on experts to help us build strong presentations for insurance company representatives, courts, juries and the Social Security Administration.