Real Estate Services
Cincinnati OH 45224 513-542-2900 E-mail: Ante Carpet Installation Co. Inc. http://www.antecarpet.com/
Our specialties:
Serving the Tri-State area for the last 40 years, Ante Carpet Installation Co. Inc. is Cincinnati's professional carpeting company.With a team that's dedicated to high quality carpet installation, clients will never be disappointed in Ante Carpet's services. Ante Carpet sells carpeting for both residential and commercial customers, boasting an extensive inventory of new merchandise. Sourcing its products from impressive carpet mills, Ante Carpet is able to retrieve a particular design, color or style if it's not in stock. Better yet, the team knows exactly how long a carpet will last and where it may experience wear over the years, so their customers are always prepared.In addition to installing carpet, the Ante Carpet offers carpet restretching to get rid of inconsistencies, old carpet installation, binding, fringing, cleaning, and more.Ante Carpet is also happy to repair carpet that has experienced any type of damage, including tears, cuts and seam separations. If a piece of the original carpet is available, the company can even help repair burns, stains and shredding.To view carpeting fromAnte Carpet Installation Co. Inc., make an appointment to visit the showroom by calling(513) 542-2900.Visit the website for more information and be sure to check back fornew carpet sales from top brands. Residential and commercial carpet styles are available at incredible prices!