Computers and Internet
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Irvine, CA 92618 844-735-9369 E-mail: Alex Rogers http://www.relyenz.com
Our specialties:
Relyenz is a value added distributor focused on building a unified security platform for managed service providers. Our core platform, Central Point, gives partners the ability to deploy & monitor vital end point security, password management, and disaster recovery protocols in a fully managed environment. This combination of proprietary technology combined with superior customer service & support will afford partners the ability to put their focus back on servicing the customer. Relyenz has a unique position in the marketplace.
Our team is always ready to assist in the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of our integrated solutions. Partners can also leverage Central Point in a self-service capacity to integrate time sensitive alerts and vital security updates from a host of other backup, security, and server platforms. Relyenz launches as a new division of CharTec based in Irvine, CA.