Business Opportunities
Cincinnati, OH 45203 513-852-2400 E-mail: Zoellner Garten http://zoellnergarten.com/
Our specialties:
Zoellner Garten & Co.
644 Linn St. Suite 634
Cincinnati, OH 45203, United States
If you’re a business owner or a prospective
business owner in Ohio, then you need to know about Zoellner Garten & Company. When it comes to
business advisors, there’s no one who will take better care of you and ensure
that your interests are their number one priority. They have two decades of
experience selling and purchasing businesses, so don’t risk doing it alone. The
experts at Zoellner Garten & Company are available to assist you in every
way. There are many vital steps to selling a
business. The deal structure and business planning is critical and involves
legal, accounting, financing, insurance, on-going risks and the future. Most
business owners only sell a business one time in their life, and it pays to have
an experienced ally on your side. Zoellner Garten & Company has helped
hundreds of business owners sell and purchase businesses. Their experience in heavy and light manufacturing,
distribution, retail, food service, and franchising will hold you in good
stead.Most sellers receive higher purchase offerswhen they use Zoellner Garten & Company, so even though you're paying for their service, you'll still probably make a larger profit. And if your sale doesn’t
cover the fee? Don’t worry. It’s a tax-deductible expense.Zoellner Garten & Company is run by the
best in the industry. John W. Zoellner founded the company in 1988 after 17
years in the banking industry. Terry Wagner joined the company in 2009 as a
Senior Vice President after 25 years of business ownership. Jim Sachs
joined the company in 2014 as a Senior Vice President after successfully
facilitating over 100 mergers and acquisition transactions. Together, their
knowledge and experience will ensure you only receive the best outcome and top business
buyers. If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced and intelligent business advisor, look no further than Zoellner Garten & Company. Call them today at (513) 852-2400 to speak with a
knowledgeable staff member, or visit their website to fill out
a buyer profile and contact the company through email.