- Wahkiakum County

Health and Personal Care
  • Chiropractor

    Merrick Chiropractic Center
    9505 19th Ave SE
    Everett, WA 98208
    E-mail: James Merrick

    Our specialties:

  • Chiropractor
  • Wellness Center
  • Chiropractic Center

    At Merrick Chiropractic Center in Everett WA, your health and wellness is our top priority. Dr. James Merrick is dedicated in providing you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve. Part of our commitment in serving our patients includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their health needs. We offer many chiropractic services such as low back pain treatment, neck pain treatment, nutritional counseling, spinal adjustment and massage therapy. Follow Us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

    Business Location:
    [ Yahoo! Maps ]

  • Merrick Chiropractic Center - Wahkiakum County - Washington - Administration
    Pass Key: