Items For Sale
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 706-335-3841 Hangzhou 86-0571-87063119 E-mail: RitaWu http://www.tictacpac.com
Our specialties:
Carton size mmArt noDescriptionSize LxWxHcolorpcs/innerpcs/ctnLWHcbmN.W. KGG.W. KG3881024Palmleaf plate square240x240x25mmnature251002552554100.026665.756.253882023Palmleaf plate rect230x160x30mmnature251002701803900.01895444.353883022Palmleaf plate roundØ220x25mmnature251002252253800.0192384.54.9With their small dainty design,Website:.tictacpac.com, these palm leaf tasting plates are perfect for samples or other tasting trays and are essential for any restaurant. These plates are made out of natural fallen palm leaves, and are completely biodegradable. They are also completely non-toxic, and are microwave and oven safe allowing for a wide variety of uses. These plates are also lightweight thus allowing for easy storage and transport, and are sure to keep both customers and restaurateurs satisfied.