Professional Services
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 706-335-3841 Tampa 8132231977 E-mail: Dennis A. Lopez https://www.lopezlawpa.com/
Our specialties:
Dennis A Lopez & Associates are dedicated to serving you and your family with care and commitment. Our Tampa personal injury attorneys have the legal qualifications and experience to best represent you or your loved ones in any personal injury matter. The attorneys at the Law Office of Dennis A. Lopez & Associates are dedicated to helping you and your family recover from the financial consequences of a personal injury with care and commitment. Our attorneys have the legal qualifications and years of experience to best represent your interests in matters of injury due to defective drugs and faulty medical devices. While a serious injury can leave families facing an uncertain future, at the very least we can make sure you receive the financial compensation you need to provide for life’s everyday needs and medical treatment.