Professional Services
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 706-335-3841 Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 843-215-3440 E-mail: Myrtle Beach Simple Wedding Day https://myrtlebeachsimpleweddingday.com
Our specialties:
Simple Wedding Day is a premium Myrtle Beach Weddings, Officiant Services, and Vow Renewal company. We provide weddings in Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, Charleston, Georgetown, Ocean Isle Beach, and the entire Grand Strand.
Reverend Benjy Simmons and Simple Wedding Day have helped hundreds of happy couples create memories of their romantic beach weddings.
Simple Wedding day has packaged that include beach wedding photography, wedding decorations, sand ceremony sets, engraved toasting glasses and much more.
Simple Wedding Day is the premiere Myrtle Beach Wedding company and offers couples simple weddings on the beach, a church, or most anywhere else they would like.
Contact Myrtle Beach Weddings Company Simple Wedding Day Today.