Sports and Fitness
Nerw York 877-946-9300 E-mail: Adam Guziczek http://www.Dietof21Century.org
Our specialties:
Health & Fitness Formula-Protein Drink Mix
For high-powered nutrition, energy and performance.
This delicious-tasting drink mix is loaded with fiber and rich in complecarbohydrates, exactly what the body needs to function properly.
Includes the nine essential amino acids which the body cannot produce on its own.
Contains 14 grams of our exclusive protein blend.
Formulated with 26 vitamins and minerals, including the antioxidant Vitamins A, C and E, which can help minimize tissue damage caused by free radicals.
It has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid (PDCAA) score of 1.00, the highest score for labeling protein quality.
Includes an exclusive protein blend of isolated soy protein, caseinate, whey protein concentrate.
Contains Aminogen®, a specially selected protein enzyme that acts to improve assimilation of dietary proteins.
Low in calories and virtually fat free.
Available in vanilla or chocolate.
Formula 2-Multivitamin-Mineral & Herbal Tablets
Maximum formula for complete nutrition.
Start nourishing your body today with Herbalife's maximum formula Multivitamin-Mineral & Herbal tablets.
Includes 39 vitamins, minerals and premium-quality, natural Chinese herbs that work synergistically to create a foundation for long-term good health.
Contains antioxidant factors Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium as well as Chromium GTF, an essential mineral that helps keep your body healthy and fit.
Formula 3-Cell Activator®
Increases the absorption and effectiveness of your vitamin and mineral intake.
Cell Activator is an exceptionally powerful formula supplying the body with Krebs Cycle factors. Krebs Cycle is a key step in the production of the majority of energy-producing ATP molecules used in cellular metabolism.
Contains Boron, a mineral important for bone growth and development, and Pycnogenol, a plant extract particularly high in antioxidant properties.
Aids in the absorption and effectiveness of vitamins and minerals from your food intake, creating a solid base for excellent health.
Helps enhance vitality and, when used on a daily basis, it can contribute greatly to your well-being.
Bulk & Muscle Formula - Protein Drink Mix Protein
A results-oriented formula for the serious body builder.
Designed to meet the extra nutritional requirements of athletes involved in muscle-mass development programs.
Contains 30 grams of protein.
Formulated with vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, protein-sparing carbohydrates, natural performance enhancers and a premium blend of energy-boosting herbs.
Includes ingredients such as Protomyosin®, isolated soy protein, caseinate, whey protein concentrate, egg albumin and the amino acid L-glutamine.
Protomyosin has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid (PDCAA) score of 1.00, the highest score for labeling protein quality.
Features Aminogen™, a phytoenzyme system that accelerates the digestion of complex proteins.
Designed to be taken in conjunction with Multivitamin Minerals & Herbal Tablets and Cell Activator from the Health & Fitness Program.