Health and Personal Care
Rio Grande, Ohio 45674 740-245-5675 E-mail: Minda Hager http://members.tripod.com/laborsupport
Our specialties:
Labor support Doulas provide non-medical support. Doulas accompany women and/or couples in labor to provide emotional and physical support. A doula's continuous, knowledgeable, and reassuring presence makes a dramatic difference on how confident and comfortable a woman feels during labor and birth. Recent studies by DONA (Doulas of North America)founding board members, John Kennell, MD and Marshall Klaus, MD, reveal that the support of a doula substantially reduces the need for medical intervention. A 1991 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that the presence of a doula during labor is associated with the following benefits: an easier labor, reduced pain in labor, a shorter labor, reduced chance of an unnecessary cesarean section, reduced use of anesthesia and analgesia, reduced need for drugs to stimulate labor's progress, a safer, healthier birth, a healthier baby, and enhanced parent-infant attachment.