Personal or Family Pages
Brea, CA 92821 714 985-2333 E-mail: Lloyd Grishow
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My birth name was Kenneth Auburn Lasley. I became a foster child while my family was living in Colton, CA. Court records are no longer available. My birthdate is March 31, 1940 or 1941 (discrepancy in records). I don't know for sure, the name of my parents. My parents names might have been, Auburn Merle and Obera Cathleen (Beck) Lasley. I may have been born in the city of Purdy, county of Barry, state of Missouri.
Auburn Merle Lasley was born on November 30, 1907 and died April 8, 1994 in San Bernardino, CA. His SSN was 499-07-1821.
I have reason to believe that I may have two older sisters and one older brother.
Glen Edward Lasley may have been my uncle. Glen was born August 11, 1910 and died November 25, 1997 in San Joaquin, CA. Glen's SSN was 497-22-8616.
Seems that after my family moved from Missouri to California they fell on hard times (around 1941 or 1942). At the time, my uncle worked with someone who would become my foster father.
After my mother left my father with four young kids, my father couldn't care for me, I was too young. An older couple tried baby sitting me but they too, couldn't care for me. I became ill with infatigo and malnutrition. My uncle created the opportunity for my being placed into a foster home.
I will be forever grateful for the love my foster parents gave to me. I would like to find my family now.
Can anyone provide me with information that will confirm who my family was or is? I would like to be with them, to know them and to love them.