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Sarasota, FL 34233 941-924-6678 E-mail: vince Pulli http://www.nuvobookstore.com
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NuvoBookstore.com is a full service online bookstore with focus on the arts, featuring art, crafts, music,video and literature. With generes from children's to jewish, christian, memoir, military, mystery, fiction, romance, thriller, non-fiction, with authors like Robert Campbell, Anderson, Beverly Bird, T C Burch, George Quincy, Clark, Suzanne Clauser, Pam Cottrel, Diamond, Downe, Finkelstein, Philip Gerard, Jack Handey, David Howard, Kirsch, Nancy Pinard, David Peretz, Saso, St. John, Swift, West, Whittington, Willeford, Wilcox,and publishers like Disc-Us Books, Mustang Publishing, Divine Mirror Press, MTG Publishing, and Popular Press.