Children and Child Care
Attleboro, MA 02703 000-000-0000 E-mail: info@enuresisalarms.com http://www.enuresisalarms.com
Our specialties:
Don't wait for your child to outgrow bed wetting. The DRI-Sleeper Alarm is a rehabilitation device which assists in conditioning a child to awaken upon the sensation of a full bladder. A comfortable moisture sensor placed in an undergarment is attached to an audible alarm device which attaches to the shoulder area. At the first sign of moisture, the Dri Sleeper alarm will sound. This should startle and awaken the child who may then proceed to the bathroom. Over time, the child is conditioned to awaken BEFORE wetness occurs. Site provides research supporting use of an alarm. Discusses types of enuresis and the dangers of prescription drugs. Don't treat symptoms. Cure the problem. Alarm reviews. Free progress chart.