Sports and Fitness
Mineola, NY 11501 516 739 3118 E-mail: info@ezfacility.com http://www.ezfacility.com
Our specialties:
EZ Facility's Solutions Include:
Sports Facility Scheduling & Customer Management:
EZ Facility's flagship sports facility management solution consistently delivers more success than any other application. High user adoption, a complete suite of tools, and powerful customization make it the only choice for sports facilities, athletic centers, and recreation centers looking for success.
League Scheduling & Website Management:
Add Schedules, Stats & Standings to your Website. Give your players the ability to view upcoming leagues, tournaments, game schedules, standings and statistics in real-time. Provide your customers with up to the minute facility information, news, updates, closing times, special deals and more. Maintaining this ever-changing data on your website is a breeze with our League Scheduling and Content Management module.
Online Registration & Management:
The EZ Facility Online Registration Module provides an easy, inexpensive way to collect and manage registrations online.