Business Opportunities
salt lake city, utah, 84106 801-259-3721 E-mail: Shane Clevenger http://www.rentdvdsgetpaid.biz
Our specialties:
For most of us, an extra few hundred dollars a month
(or an extra few thousand!) would make a tremendous
difference. We have a way for you to earn that kind of
EXTRA M0NEY from home in your spare time ... isn't it
time you checked it out FULLY?
Think how great it would be to NOT have to miss out on
the things you want to do (or tell your kids NO), all
because you feel you CAN'T AFFORD the added cost.
What we offer is an honest 0pportunity to earn
SUBSTANTIAL extra INC0ME each week in a way
that is SO EASY anyone can do it! How easy?
Watch movies.
Tell others.
Get paid.
Simply JOIN US as one of our part-time, online DVD movie
distributors, then begin sharing the excitement. (We have
all sorts of training to teach you what to do!)
For a quick, 4 min. recorded overview,
dial 512-404-1242, Box 1, 24 hrs.
If MORE M0NEY each week would solve most of your
problems, what are you waiting for?
We're looking for men and women nationwide who would
like to watch great movies, tell people about our online
DVD movie rental business ... and GET PAID!
Join us in the Gold Entertainment business!
* UNLIMITED DVD movie rentals, only $20/month
* Delivered to your door - NO shipping cost either way.
* No time limits.
* No late fees.
* No traffic. No waiting in line.
* No dings in the car. No gas wasting.
Dial in for a LIVE business briefing this week!
512-225-3290 329032#
Mon thru Thurs
E-10 PM - C-9 PM - M-8 PM - P-7 PM
Here's your chance to nail down a top position in a
business with unlimited earning potential waiting
for you.
What are you waiting for? Re-visit our
automated marketing site, take the tour again, then
JOIN US! It's FUN, it's EASY.
Any questions ... ASK!
Soaring with a winner,
P.S. YES, there is a BIG reason you should NOT delay ...
In our marketing plan, we are placing new distributors
one below the other. The SOONER you act, the MORE of
those people will fall into YOUR downline organization and
bring you future earnings! You snooze, you lose!
Shane and Jennifer Clevenger
DVD Rental Business by Mail goes mlm
Unlimited DVDs and Games only $20 per month,
postage paid, no late fees!
Big $$ in Multi-billion dollar movie rental market!
Netflix on Steroids